Thanks to Sky Three’s ‘Football Years’, you can see a montage of the activities that took place upto and such as the match at Broadhall Way and the subsequent replay. Comment furnished by Paul Fairclough amongst others.
Ha'way the Lads!
Thanks to Sky Three’s ‘Football Years’, you can see a montage of the activities that took place upto and such as the match at Broadhall Way and the subsequent replay. Comment furnished by Paul Fairclough amongst others.
Reader Comments
I remember this. Newcastle behaved with absolutely no class whatsoever. They were the richest club in the country at the time, and they acted like fucking children.
@TheMoosetrap, what karma are you talking about? They had won fair and square in 97, just the way Stevenage won fair and square in 2011.
Most people don’t know this, but in 97 it was Stevenage who first asked Newcastle to switch the game (for larger gate receipts) on the grounds of safety. They swiftly turned it as a media war against Newcastle when Sky offered to pay for a temporary stand for Stevenage.
“Despite what seemed to be an incredible clearance…” – are you joking? Pause it, see it in slow motion – Shearer’s first was a goal, there is zero doubt about it. The media enjoyed portraying Newcastle as lucky to go through, that Stevenage were unfairly dispatch…what cr@p. Don’t believe everything you read, the mass media are but manipulators of the worst kind.
@senduc lol its like 30 miles from london i live 25 miles away so im pretty close
Justice for the ’98.
Aggreagte score between the two teams…
Stevenage 5-4 Newcastle
@senduc Oh? haha just a little bit of a fail there then 😛 My bad 😛
@MokrieyDela lol i know where it is man. was just trying to be cool! 😉
@senduc North of London, on the A1 (M), East of Luton.
shearer was a legend, is a legend and forever will be a legend.
where the fuck is stevenage?
@MeridianWings good win lads bst of luck
🙂 gotta love how Karma has worked its magic here…well done Stevenage, it seems like you were all waiting and praying for the day to happen and it did!!
Now…what chance Liverpool in the 4th round just to complete the business with owd Kenny?
this is shit compared too tonight game !
Good ol BORO, 2011 FA Cup winners (fingers x)
Good ol BORO, 2011 FA Cup winners (fingers x)
@toonrmy9 Thanks. I am looking forward to play you again in the future sometime…
As a diehard Newcastle fan, I can say that the Looney Toons thoroughly deserved what they got today. Hats off to Stevenage, that was quite hilarious.
No where near over!
The 2 people who disliked this video are Keegan and Shearer.
@clara17uk Thanks. Where are you from and who do you support? 🙂
i saw the game today and im so pleased stevenage won us you deserved it,welldone hope you go on to win it
@ncfcmark24 fuck off
@andycarroll9 seems like alot of stevenage fans will be billionaires by now then
No more need for dreaming!