@Fligo10 I hope you’ve matured since you made this comment 2 years ago. Sounds like you are the one talking shit here.
great stricker!!!!one of the best at Barcelona
Kurwa gdzie jest link!!!!
because ruud van nistelrooy fucked your team Barca so hard everytime they meet i love both kluivert and nistelrooy but when you say that nistelrooy is bad then you need to back up forza nistelrooy hala madrid
The best striker of Holland’s national team Van Nisterlooy can clean his shoes
Thanks for everything in Barca Patrick
Visca el Kluivert!
He always could stay for at least a minute in the air when he scored with his head. Briliant.
he was amazing
True, Van Basten was mad because Kluivert is the greatest Dutch player ever.
True, Van Basten was mad because Kluivert is the greatest Dutch player ever.
If it wasn’t for Van Basten Kluivert would have made over 100 caps for Holland and would have scored more goals.
Topscorers all time dutch team
Player Goals Interlands
1 Patrick Kluivert 40 79
2 Dennis Bergkamp 37 79
3 Faas Wilkes 35 38
4 Abe Lenstra 33 47
5 Johan Cruijff 33 48
6 Ruud van Nistelrooy 33 64
7 Beb Bakhuys 28 23
8 Kick Smit 26 29
9 Marco van Basten 24 58
marco van basten is a racist he killed kluiverts career
empecé a enamorarme del futbol cuando te ví jugar!!! mi primer idolo!!!! pero el mejor Luis FIGO!!! grande kluivert y grande figo!!!!
For live KLuivert brawo
i dno what sport ur watching then son 300 goals dont equal crap dickhead hes a total legend
kluivert was good but calling shearer crap
perleez ur clueless
haha right back atcha
on 5:25 i didnt even see what he did with his feet tht was pretty sly xD
naw not really kluivrtwas crap
alan shearer was crap
fuck you!
1 of my fav players as a kid him and rivaldo at barca were class.
He was absolute class career is ending in a bad way thouu.
the biggest criminal in soccer, belongs in jail, not on the field
my fvoured childhood player man. kluivert was the dude. but it still pisses me of the way he was treated during eurocup 2004.
Too bad that Bellamy and Kluivert didn’t play in another team then Newcastle. They were a deadly duo, but I can understand the manager of Newcastle: you can’t leave Alan Shearer on the bench, that’s killing
Reader Comments
@Fligo10 I hope you’ve matured since you made this comment 2 years ago. Sounds like you are the one talking shit here.
great stricker!!!!one of the best at Barcelona
Kurwa gdzie jest link!!!!
because ruud van nistelrooy fucked your team Barca so hard everytime they meet i love both kluivert and nistelrooy but when you say that nistelrooy is bad then you need to back up forza nistelrooy hala madrid
The best striker of Holland’s national team Van Nisterlooy can clean his shoes
Thanks for everything in Barca Patrick
Visca el Kluivert!
He always could stay for at least a minute in the air when he scored with his head. Briliant.
he was amazing
True, Van Basten was mad because Kluivert is the greatest Dutch player ever.
True, Van Basten was mad because Kluivert is the greatest Dutch player ever.
If it wasn’t for Van Basten Kluivert would have made over 100 caps for Holland and would have scored more goals.
Topscorers all time dutch team
Player Goals Interlands
1 Patrick Kluivert 40 79
2 Dennis Bergkamp 37 79
3 Faas Wilkes 35 38
4 Abe Lenstra 33 47
5 Johan Cruijff 33 48
6 Ruud van Nistelrooy 33 64
7 Beb Bakhuys 28 23
8 Kick Smit 26 29
9 Marco van Basten 24 58
marco van basten is a racist he killed kluiverts career
empecé a enamorarme del futbol cuando te ví jugar!!! mi primer idolo!!!! pero el mejor Luis FIGO!!! grande kluivert y grande figo!!!!
For live KLuivert brawo
i dno what sport ur watching then son 300 goals dont equal crap dickhead hes a total legend
kluivert was good but calling shearer crap
perleez ur clueless
haha right back atcha
on 5:25 i didnt even see what he did with his feet tht was pretty sly xD
naw not really kluivrtwas crap
alan shearer was crap
fuck you!
1 of my fav players as a kid him and rivaldo at barca were class.
He was absolute class career is ending in a bad way thouu.
the biggest criminal in soccer, belongs in jail, not on the field
my fvoured childhood player man. kluivert was the dude. but it still pisses me of the way he was treated during eurocup 2004.
Too bad that Bellamy and Kluivert didn’t play in another team then Newcastle. They were a deadly duo, but I can understand the manager of Newcastle: you can’t leave Alan Shearer on the bench, that’s killing