Reader Comments

  1. markop1987

    Titus Bramble is their captain now 🙂 It’s worse than 15 points at the end of the seaon…

  2. akeonnet

    We beat Mackems then, we beat them now, we beat them in times to come. (But F**k, I’ve loved to see N’Zog back, and not in a Mackem shirt!)


    “They went down with 19 points 2 seasons ago” = lol, then they got relegated with 15. Then they lost 5-1 🙂

  4. crank01

    awesome, ive just watched this after watching thethe toon win 5-1! UP THE TOON, FUCK THE MAKEMS

  5. kkwillsaveus

    @DEFINEMETALisBACK No I genuinely thought Kevin Keegan would save Newcastle. Shame it transpired not to be true, but then I haven’t been bothered to change my name on Youtube, my bad.

  6. kkwillsaveus

    @DEFINEMETALisBACK Mate I support Newcastle, haven’t ever been to a Sunderland game, haven’t been near Sunderland in 8 years, live near central Newcaslte, supported them for years, doesn’t mean I can’t take note of Newcastle’s tragic plight post 2005.

  7. warpfield98

    i need help from a fellow toon supporter. how do you think we are going this season? and how do you think we will do against Doncaster this Tuesday?

  8. ashingtoon

    You want to learn how to read you thick retarded cunt. 44,000 for a Championship game fuck me Peterboro and the welsh cunts can only DREAM of support like that….you fucking inbred twat,

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