Reader Comments

  1. warpfield98

    @DEFINEMETALisBACK i think they were great when they were combining. and yeah Phillips had great goalscoring potential. something happened in 2001/2002 to Sunderland and they started to lose consistency. and yes good point. Sunderland have very few home grown talent. and hey lets not forget Beardsley and Gazza.


    @warpfield98 Not really… Quinn is alright, but Philips only ever had two good seasons, then did fuck all really. It’s funny how Newcastle’s heroes have been Geordies/local boys like Shearer, Milburn and Carroll, where as Sunderland usually have cockneys as their hero.

  3. warpfield98

    @DEFINEMETALisBACK yeah of course. point is we have beaten them more lol. but you gotta love Quinn and Phillips back in the day. at the moment Sunderland are relying on one player to get a result.


    @warpfield98 to be fair they’ve been us twice at SJP, but not that good lol. They’ve also only beaten us once at Stadium of shite over the last 28 seasons.

  5. warpfield98

    @DEFINEMETALisBACK in the premier league its been 0-1 2-0 0-1 3-2 1-4 2-0 5-1. not a bad little collection there.

  6. ikkfu

    Great win for us under KK, sad what the team has become and where we’ve ended up after Kev’s leaving.

    Cheers for uploading the vid.

  7. moggycm89

    great movement by mo for the first goal not a bad cross either.not a convincing pen but they all count

  8. GeordieFC

    at least we can actually score at the stadium of shite, they are going to get slaughtered vs us

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