Are you prepared for some soccer? Starring Sergio van Dijk, Rutger Worm, Matthew Kemp, Scott Neville, Ali Abbas, Liam Reddy, John Aloisi, Dino Djubic, Aziz Behich, Scott Jamieson, Adam Kwasnik, Tom Pondeljak, Erik Akoto, Grant Brebner, Justin Pasfield, Matt Thompson, Ben Sigmund, Steve Pantelidis…
Reader Comments
Ha ha ha, well done!
no one should judge the aleague by one video, the english premire league by eg they have bloopers to and same with any other sport but were just showing it so get over it thanks for the vid
@Roarlover34 Because he’s had 13 clean sheets this season and was just meant to be a sub but now he’s the best keeper in the A-league
Matt Ryan is actually bad, why does everyone keep rating him to highly???
its not …are you ready for some soccer! its……. are you ready for some REAL football
@knuckledip you are judging a football comp by a bloopers video? 0.o
Brilliant. Already waiting for next season!
haha aleague sucks:P
@fantasticini he insults me everyday by keeping me unemployed.
awesome comment at the end. probably deserve a job after you insulted him!!!
Eugene Galekovic = Pro Wrestler 08:17
just laughed so hard at 1:53 !
great video!
Why dont i get shout outs in every vid?
You make the a-league look so bad!
Needs more “Marry me Sarah”
Great video
15 mins of bloopers from just one season of A-league.. why doesn’t that surprise me????
@05:16 future Cristiano Ronaldo xD
Thank god it’s in Widescreen, otherwise I would have just turned it off.
The audio problem is fixed now xoxo