@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 oohh thats how its gonna be so were are you from exactly, well go grow a set of balls and come say it to our faces you TWAT
fuck of back to sunderland ya mackem cunts
Sunderland till I fucking Die !
inbreads 😛
listen all u fucking haters of the toon fuck off u fucking little dickheads
Im agreeing, Im from Newcastle! 😉
Go Geordies!!!
Boo the Mackems!
5-1 toon army
@GeordieBoy95 defo
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 emo boy, nice name you prick
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
newcastle 5-1 sunderland
i think that speak for itself
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 wey were u from then cz if ya frm london ya cant pronounce an l
NUFC FTW. Go back to the stadium of shite sunderland!
Fucking mackem cunts… Bolton and Newcastle <3
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 a fuckin filthy smoggie dissing geordies? hahahahahaha fuck off back to the championship m8……we should never have gone down as proven by our walk over of the championship last season
Scumland Shiteland IN THE Stadium of Shite…hahahhaaaa
@mrsyiton lose not loose ya thick twat
newcastle smash their own town up when they loose, loosers !!!
what other team , smashes up their own town when they loose, haha u bunch of priks !!
yhs get relegated this season man newcastle will hammer yhs man NUFC!
Smb smb smb smb smb
Here are the simplest facts there are to know… Newcastle (Geordie): The best. Sunderland (Durty Mackems) : The worst ever. Geordie land will stay for ever. I respect all geordies. Pity to all mackems. Geordie till i die.
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 IF YOU DONT LIKE OUR ACCENT THEN DONT BOTHER WATCHING VIDEOS ABOUT US! STUPID! ayeee a am a geordie lass so there! If you dont like it dont want it and go and talk to someone you like! I like my accent tbh!
Oi, no reason to get racist u dirty non-Geordie 😛
Oh, and don’t even class us in the same sentence as those fucking mackems!
Reader Comments
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 oohh thats how its gonna be so were are you from exactly, well go grow a set of balls and come say it to our faces you TWAT
fuck of back to sunderland ya mackem cunts
Sunderland till I fucking Die !
inbreads 😛
listen all u fucking haters of the toon fuck off u fucking little dickheads
Im agreeing, Im from Newcastle! 😉
Go Geordies!!!
Boo the Mackems!
5-1 toon army
@GeordieBoy95 defo
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 emo boy, nice name you prick
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
newcastle 5-1 sunderland
i think that speak for itself
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 wey were u from then cz if ya frm london ya cant pronounce an l
NUFC FTW. Go back to the stadium of shite sunderland!
Fucking mackem cunts… Bolton and Newcastle <3
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 a fuckin filthy smoggie dissing geordies? hahahahahaha fuck off back to the championship m8……we should never have gone down as proven by our walk over of the championship last season
Scumland Shiteland IN THE Stadium of Shite…hahahhaaaa
@mrsyiton lose not loose ya thick twat
newcastle smash their own town up when they loose, loosers !!!
what other team , smashes up their own town when they loose, haha u bunch of priks !!
yhs get relegated this season man newcastle will hammer yhs man NUFC!
Smb smb smb smb smb
Here are the simplest facts there are to know… Newcastle (Geordie): The best. Sunderland (Durty Mackems) : The worst ever. Geordie land will stay for ever. I respect all geordies. Pity to all mackems. Geordie till i die.
@1xXxEMOBOYxXx4 IF YOU DONT LIKE OUR ACCENT THEN DONT BOTHER WATCHING VIDEOS ABOUT US! STUPID! ayeee a am a geordie lass so there! If you dont like it dont want it and go and talk to someone you like! I like my accent tbh!
Oi, no reason to get racist u dirty non-Geordie 😛
Oh, and don’t even class us in the same sentence as those fucking mackems!