Akkoriban a legjobbak között játszott a csapatunk. Hajrá lilák és csak az
Újpest – 1885
Takách Gusztáv
Sorry, the match did not take place at Népstadion (as it is marked at 3:24)
but in Újpest’s home stadium “Megyeri út Stadium”, now called Szusza Ferenc
Stadium, in Újpest, North Budapest. I know because I was there…
The last time Newcastle won something it was in black and white lol
Hajrá Lilák!
Neil Johnson
come on TOON ARMY .Last thing we have ever won . nice to see though.
Gergely Vincze-Pap
just a remark: Ujpest Dozsa (not Dosza) was the official name of the club
(Újpest Dózsa with accentuated letters in hungarian) [today it’s Újpest FC]
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TOON ARMY! Back in Europe again 2012/2013
Akkoriban a legjobbak között játszott a csapatunk. Hajrá lilák és csak az
Újpest – 1885
Sorry, the match did not take place at Népstadion (as it is marked at 3:24)
but in Újpest’s home stadium “Megyeri út Stadium”, now called Szusza Ferenc
Stadium, in Újpest, North Budapest. I know because I was there…
The last time Newcastle won something it was in black and white lol
Hajrá Lilák!
come on TOON ARMY .Last thing we have ever won . nice to see though.
just a remark: Ujpest Dozsa (not Dosza) was the official name of the club
(Újpest Dózsa with accentuated letters in hungarian) [today it’s Újpest FC]
Hajrá Újpest!